Petra Hunter Craniosacral Therapy in Dornach
What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy is a light touch, holistic therapy that encourages the body’s natural healing response. Developed by doctors in the early 1900s, Craniosacral Therapy has its roots in osteopathy. Osteopath William Garner Sutherland observed that cranial bones have a very subtle motion and the cerebrospinal fluid that bathes our brains and nervous systems has its own pulse, which is essential to maintaining our health.
The cerebrospinal fluid pulsates between the skull (cranium) and the sacrum, the movement of which is transmitted to the whole body. Changes in this rhythm indicate diseases and blockages. In therapy, disorders are localized and treated with the hands. The craniosacral system is closely related to all vital functions, which is why this form of therapy is so versatile.
Craniosacral Therapy is suitable for people of all ages, from newborns through to the elderly.
Course of treatment
Typically, a session is 60 minutes in duration. Wearing comfortable clothing the client lies on the treatment table. However, work can also be done sitting, standing or moving.
As a craniosacral therapist, I use my hands to feel the craniosacral rhythm and assess the body’s own movements In this way, I can localize disorders in the musculoskeletal system, muscles, organs and tissues. These disorders can sometimes exist from birth or arise later as a result of an accident, illness or mental problems. The tension patterns are treated and released with mindful, manual impulses. The craniosacral rhythm then finds its natural flow again. This stimulates the self-regulation of the body so that positive changes can take place on a physical, psychological, emotional and social level.
“The purpose of craniosacral treatment is not to correct a structure, but to provide an environment for change.”
Rollin E. Becker
Craniosacral Therapy is suitable treatment for the following:
- Support in challenging life situations
- Insomnia / nervousness / stress / burnout
- Regulation of the autonomic and central nervous system
- Rehabilitation after illness, surgery or accident
- Back, shoulder, neck pain
- Headache, migraine
- Whiplash, fall and compression trauma
- Tinnitus, dizziness
- Sinusitis and sinus issues
- Indigestion
- Psychosomatic disorders
- Orthodontic problems, teeth grinding (bruxism)
- Pregnancy and after childbirth
Children & teens
- Difficulty concentrating and learning difficulties
- Hyperactivity, ADD/ADHD
- Stress, restlessness
- During and after orthodontic treatments
- Daytime and bedwetting
- Fear
- Developmental delays
- Skull asymmetries, torticollis (tilted and twisted neck)
- Sleep problems, restlessness
- Excessive crying
- Digestive problems, colic
- Difficulty with latching on or sucking
- Ear infections
«Be still and know»
William Garner Sutherland and Adah Sutherland
Petra Hunter
I was born in 1975 in Basel. I am married and a mother of three children (2007, 2008, 2011).
In the past I worked in Human Resources and traveled the world.
My fascination for Craniosacral Therapy has been with me for many years. My first experience with this method left me astounded and amazed at the same time: how can such a gentle therapy method be of such strong influence?
Years later I followed my dream to work in this therapeutic field.
To value each person as an individual and to guide them through their process with sensitivity and respect is of great importance to me.
Vocational training
- 2017 – 2021 Complementary Therapist OdA KT, method Craniosacral Therapy, Cranioschule – structural functional biodynamic in Zurich with Rudolf Merkel
- 2016 – 2017 Western Medicine, Biomedica Basel
- 2002 HR Specialist with Federal diploma, IAP Basel
- 1994 Training in Business Management with Federal diploma, KV Basel
Further education
- ongoing Supervision Complementary Therapy, Sandra Jenny Gimmel (ongoing)
- ongoing Supervision for in-depth infant and child therapy, Michaela Holin (ongoing)
- 2024 Cancer and Cranio 2, Udo Blum
- 2024 Biodynamic Cardiovascular Craniosacral Therapy, seminar 4, Udo Blum
- 2023 Cancer and Cranio 1, Udo Blum
- 2023 Infant treatments, Stephanie Helfenstein
- 2023 Biodynamic Cardiovascular Craniosacral Therapy, seminar 2, Udo Blum
- 2023 Orthodontics and school child, Franziska Degen und Mirjam Rosner-Mark
- 2022 Craniosacral Therapy meets Psychotherapy, Harald Faltz
- 2022 Biodynamic Cardiovascular Craniosacral Therapy, seminar 1, Udo Blum
- 2021 Diploma thesis: ‘Effects of Craniosacral Therapy on adolescents in puberty’
- 2020 Craniosacral Therapy for mother, baby and child (infant treatment), Rudolf Merkel
- 2019 Maintaining your own resources, Rudolf Merkel
- 2019 Visceral work for Craniosacral practitioners, Iris & Michael Wolf
- 2019 Laws of Energy, Arthuro Strebel
- 2019 Sleep Disorders and Craniosacral Therapy, Wolfgang Tamm
German, English, and French
Frequently asked questions
Do I need a doctor's prescription?
No, you do not need a medical referral.
How many sessions do I need?
In general, I recommend three to five sessions. After these sessions, it is jointly evaluated whether further treatments are necessary and useful.
Is the therapy painful?
Since Craniosacral Therapy is a non-invasive or manipulative therapy, it does not cause pain. However, it is not uncommon for symptoms to initially worsen. This can last up to 5 days.
Do I have to take off my clothes?
No, the treatment takes place in full clothing.
How long is a session?
Treatments usually last one hour. Appointments for babies and small children are usually shorter.
When should Craniosacral Therapy NOT be used?
Craniosacral Therapy must not be used or only to a limited extent:
- Situations in which an increase in the fluid pressure in the skull must be avoided
- Immediately after traumatic brain injury, cerebral infarction and cerebral haemorrhage
- Brain aneurysms
Will my health insurance company pay for the treatments?
Craniosacral Therapy is a recognized treatment, and the cost is partially covered by the supplemental insurance (Zusatzversicherung). Please check directly with your health insurance provider regarding coverage and reimbursement.
I am recognized by the health insurance and certified by the EMR. See tariff.
Tariff & Appointments
CHF 132 / 60 mins.
Billing is done via the supplementary insurance (Zusatzversicherung), which reimburses the costs in full or in part. Please check with your health insurance company.
A treatment usually lasts 60 minutes. Important: for the first visit 90 minutes should be planned. The treatment time can be shortened for infants and young children.
Rescheduling / cancellation: The session is not refundable if you cancel within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment.

Petra Hunter
Craniosacral Therapist
Member Cranio Suisse®
c/o Praxisgemeinschaft für Naturheilkunde
Amthausstrasse 21
4143 Dornach
079 650 81 83